Monmartsé Korean Restaurant de Kigali

RwandaMonmartsé Korean Restaurant



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KG 220 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9526778, Longitude: 30.1030219

commentaires 5

  • en

    Bernie Hewett


    Bulogi beef cooked at the table served with a range of 9 different kimchi's was tasty. A simple low key environment with very friendly service.

  • Linda Huang

    Linda Huang


    Absolutely delicious! 老闆是可愛的韓國人,所以不用擔心他是否道地!價格便宜,量多、好吃~整個超極銷魂~如果在非洲想念亞洲餐點就一定要來!

  • Muhire Nepo

    Muhire Nepo


    Excellent restaurant coréen, l’ambiance y est conviviale et la nourriture excellente. Les plats sont assez conséquents, allez-y le ventre vide :).

  • en

    inbal bustan


    Great food, Great space, great staff, good price

  • Caleb King

    Caleb King


    Monmartsé is a great restaurant with great prices that I love coming to in large groups. My only reservations are that some of the meat is not the quality what you might find in other restaurants, and is not quite as flavorful. However, the other dishes are all fantastic.

Restaurant la plus proche

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