Habesha Ethiopian Restaurant de Kigali

RwandaHabesha Ethiopian Restaurant



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10 KG 617 St, Kigali, Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 782 638 043
site web: www.habeshaethiopian.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.957629, Longitude: 30.094743

commentaires 5




    Excellent. Great Ethiopian food in a really nice setting.

  • Garikai Nhongo

    Garikai Nhongo


    Delightful Ethiopian restaurant in a good neighbourhood in Kigali. The cuisine is authentic Ethiopian, the staff is competent and friendly and service is professional.

  • Muhire Nepo

    Muhire Nepo


    I've been at Habesha twice. Each time the food was amazing. Great ambience.

  • Yusuf Ahmad

    Yusuf Ahmad


    Very friendly service and comfortable restaurant. Great for small or large groups (have come here with as many as 20 people). The food has been variable in quality during my two visits. The kitfo was just OK. If you lower your expectations (I had just come from Nairobi...) Than habesha should more than do the trick...

  • Noel Kuriakos

    Noel Kuriakos


    Nice cozy, Ethiopian restaurant that has all the highlights of mid to northern Ethiopian cuisine. I loved the beef and lamb dish and the injera was soft and delicious. It is too bad that they did not have any dessert!!!!

Restaurant la plus proche

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