Meze Fresh de Kigali

RwandaMeze Fresh



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KG 541 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 785 748 316
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9533854, Longitude: 30.0951134

commentaires 5

  • Tracy Brooks

    Tracy Brooks


    Great food and location, love the upstairs deck. Wifi would make Meze Fresh perfect.

  • Derek Martin

    Derek Martin


    Burritos and quesadillas. Upstairs open seating area. Reasonably priced (burritos are large and are RWF 4000)

  • Richard Loat

    Richard Loat


    Let’s be clear, the last thing I expected to find in Rwanda was a Burrito! Cool spot with a nice open air upstairs. Try their mango salsa, it’s a nice touch. Generally really enjoyed my meal! Definitely going to go back again.

  • Kevin Hoffman

    Kevin Hoffman


    Was there three times the week it opened, perfect in every way. I'd imagine it's only gotten better since then.

  • Peter Vleck

    Peter Vleck


    Great food for very reasonable prices. Nice views from the upper dining area also. If there are better burritos in Rwanda, I haven't found them yet.

Restaurant la plus proche

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