Great Wall Chinese Restaurant de Kigali

RwandaGreat Wall Chinese Restaurant



🕗 horaire

KG 624 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 787 291 359
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9552197, Longitude: 30.0985349

commentaires 5

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    Hermann Gerd Pfeiffer


    Nice view from the restaurant / service was quick for Rwandan standard / tasty food and good value

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    John Amos


    This is the best priced Chinese in Kigali and super views over the valleys you will never finish your meal. And free takeaway

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    Simbi Kevine


    The food was yummy but the service was too slow

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    这个中餐馆非常好,速度快,服务好 This restaurant is very nice, very fast service always is the priority.please don't hesitate to enter to check for more pictures.




    Delicious meals. I enjoyed the breakfast, lunch and dinner. One of the places where you can find chinese cuisine. You can pay cash or use your visa or credit cards to clear tour bills. No need to go to banks to withdraw your money. In addition, you can have alcoholic drinks, tea (rwandan and chinese) and coffee. If you want an elegant and chic place, this is the right place

Restaurant la plus proche

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