Java House - Kigali Heights de Kigali

RwandaJava House - Kigali Heights



🕗 horaire

KG 7 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 381 132
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9530899, Longitude: 30.0931268

commentaires 5

  • Henna Mahmood

    Henna Mahmood


    Good coffee. Affordable though comparable to US prices. Pastries also look good (had the banana bread). Staff are very nice and friendly. It's a popular expat and working space with ample space to sit down and good wifi. Open quite late too.

  • Huios Regis

    Huios Regis


    One of my favorite places...with delicious food, great drinks and yo the best packaging I've ever seen...Java really set itself high and rightly so; with free Wi-Fi, affordable prices, fast service, well conversant waiters and one of the best environments to be in.

  • Salma Masrouri

    Salma Masrouri


    The atmosphere is nice. The food was good but the service was kind of slow.

  • Ahmed Shibrain

    Ahmed Shibrain


    Good coffee, and nice outdoor for hangouts ! They serve good meals also.

  • en

    Almachius Pesha


    Easily accessible. Great view of the adjacent great buildings

Restaurant la plus proche

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