Lalibela Ethiopian Restaurant de Kigali

RwandaLalibela Ethiopian Restaurant



🕗 horaire

KG 637 Street 637st and second branch KG KG 303 St, Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 505 293
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9497343, Longitude: 30.080148

commentaires 5

  • P K

    P K


    The weekly buffet is amazing at only less than 10,000 Rwf, and let you experience Ethiopian food injera

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    Great food and kind people

  • Bruce Taeg Young Sean

    Bruce Taeg Young Sean


    If you wants to taste original Ethiopian food just come to here but don’t too much expectation

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    Gabriela Cordero Schmidt


    Good vegetarian options. Lovely costumer service. Excellent price and freshly roasted Ethiopian coffee.

  • Ellen Van Himbergen

    Ellen Van Himbergen


    I recently visited the branch in Kimihurura on a Friday evening buffet night and was really disappointed. I have spent quite a bit of time in Ethiopia and absolutely love Ethiopian food, but the different dishes I have tried that evening were not authentic Ethiopian taste. I felt they had been trying too hard to adapt the dishes too a foreigner's taste, and sauces that should have a very specific and spicy taste turned into a rather tasteless tomato sauce.

Restaurant la plus proche

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