Inkoko Rotisserie de Kigali

RwandaInkoko Rotisserie



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KG 550 ST, Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 787 053 666
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.937926, Longitude: 30.0833801

commentaires 5

  • Cedrix 250

    Cedrix 250


    The inkoko speciality is great, but it's better to have a different variety of food to choose from

  • en

    Olivia Gakima


    The place is new and is really well located in a quiet neighborhood, with top security. Parking is available on site. Clean place it is, and serves food in approximately 10min. Waiters welcome you with a smile and you really feel cared for. The chicken is excellent.

  • Malik J. Pilote

    Malik J. Pilote


    Nice place for inkoko.. friendly staff and quick service, and parking available, fast service.

  • Fande Abouho

    Fande Abouho


    Good service, chicken better than the one of other places. Chips are thin true, but actually tasty and good looking

  • Vysakh R Nambiar

    Vysakh R Nambiar


    Best rotisserie chicken in Kigali. They could improve on the salad given with the chicken. The variety of dips given is also nice. Chips are too thin , I personally like them thick cut local style. Chicken is very well marinated and spiced. They are better than GB and Mr Chips. I would give a five star easily if they had a good salad.

Restaurant la plus proche

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