Sundowner de Kigali




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KG 625 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 785 018 359
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9509323, Longitude: 30.0837867

commentaires 5

  • Joy Ajuluchukwu

    Joy Ajuluchukwu


    Totally enjoyed my time here with some friends. It was cozy and the servic e was really good. There was a lot of attention to service. Oh! Before I forget, the food was really good. I think it's a great place to go with friends and not alone

  • Alain Kayihura

    Alain Kayihura


    great choma (grilled meat). Over the week end the ambiance is fabulous. An open space for your enjoyment.

  • en

    Master Chef Ltd


    Sundowner bar & grill located i a posh surbab of Kigali has been around for a while and the vibe has been consistent. A place loves both the affluent locals and expatriates. The place offers cross access to transport hubs, it offers mouth watering BBQ (nyamacoma). And the music mix from the oldies to the trending entertains a mix of age groups

  • Aloys Zunguzungu

    Aloys Zunguzungu


    Great places to grab lunch. They have a wide selection of foods: delicious appetizers, entrees, salads, main courses. It’s a place where professionals gather to get a quick bite before they head back to work.

  • David Anjichi

    David Anjichi


    They serve a great buffet during the weekdays. Most of the evenings it's kind of quiet except for Friday and Saturday when it gets really packed and it can be exciting. It's probably not the best place to watch sports because last I checked there was only one TV screen. Good service and friendly barman I think his name is Freddie.

Bar la plus proche

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