Café Neo de Kigali

RwandaCafé Neo



🕗 horaire

cafe neo, KN 41 Street, Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 786 562 628
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.958404, Longitude: 30.069569

commentaires 5

  • Joy Ajuluchukwu

    Joy Ajuluchukwu


    The African tea! The African tea!! I totally loved it. Can't say much about the coffee because I didn't take it. Everything about this cafe was great. The service was wonderful, the view from the top was BEAUTIFUL, the ambiance, the design, the representation of local furnishing and just every single thing was lovely. The night time vibe, the live music that was played it's just a really really lovely place. It's so simple with nothing pretentious about it. Well, it's a coffee shop. Lol

  • Nehemie Yesashimwe

    Nehemie Yesashimwe


    Neo's yummy chiken sandwiches will make you addicted

  • Sonia Uwera

    Sonia Uwera


    First time there and it just felt like home💓

  • David Toovey

    David Toovey


    A great place to work and relax with friends. Don't be put off by the stairs (four stories) - the views and spiced tea are worth it! The free internet is also very reliable.

  • Aarusha Appreciates

    Aarusha Appreciates


    The coolest hang out in town. A nice staircase work out before. Great eats and drinks.

Bar la plus proche

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