Root House de Kigali

RwandaRoot House



🕗 horaire

KG 548 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 784 999 402
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9394266, Longitude: 30.0905976

commentaires 5

  • Ahmed Shibrain

    Ahmed Shibrain


    Home away from home ! Staying here was the best thing happened to me in Kigali, don't expect fancy stuff -and hot water, its about friendly and helpful people, quite area, the best view you could get every morning ! Good value for money!

  • Root Foundation Rwanda

    Root Foundation Rwanda


    Root house is a very beautiful place and everyone is friendly. They have a very good cafe. It feels home to be there.

  • en

    rod4 Carter


    Awesome place with cultural biodiversity, people are happy , drinks and food are okay. I recommend

  • Aline Joyce

    Aline Joyce


    My favorite place. The fire night, meet new people, listen to real music and connect with many diverse background.

  • afrogroov



    awesome multi functional open space in Kigali - place to hang or work.....the serenity in the wide garden is appeasing.....the coffee is smooth.....great music and eco friendly decor, palette design everywhere, none of these tacky Dubai/China furniture..... highly recommended....word is that an awesome roster of local, regional and international artists are programmed to perform in forthcoming weeks.....Sort Yourselves Out - Visit The Root House

Bar la plus proche

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