Mountain Gorilla View Lodge de Ruhengeri

RwandaMountain Gorilla View Lodge


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Ruhengeri, Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.4284123, Longitude: 29.554036

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alexandra Simota


    Amazing view and wonderful staff

  • Theron Dekok

    Theron Dekok


    A wonderful place to stay. Rusitic and fitting for a vacation of trekking. Food was great with plenty of options, great service. The rooms are very spacious, can be cool in the shoulder seasons however they do a nightly pull down service that includes hot water bottles. Would definitely recommend.

  • en

    Sandy Tseng


    Rooms aren't the greatest especially the bathrooms. However, service is pretty good and staff was friendly

  • Gabriel Shilazi

    Gabriel Shilazi


    Good spacious room. Cold but cozy with fire that they make whenever you want. Food was good. Close to the mountains. Overall I was very happy with the service. Wi-fi is available in the lobby/reception for free, not fast but working.

  • Lisa Volkening

    Lisa Volkening


    The buffet is great and the staff is nice. There are local musical artists and/or dancers that perform at the main lodge in the evenings before dinner. The rooms are spacious, but we were cold often. They try to mitigate that with a fire in your room and a hot water bottle to warm the bed, which is rustic and kind of fun. There is plenty of hot water, but the shower is super weird. Overall it was a good, midrange hotel to come back to after gorilla trekking.

Lodging la plus proche

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