Gorillas Hotel de Ruhengeri

RwandaGorillas Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Ruhengeri-Gisenyi Road, Ruhengeri, Musanze, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.5008408, Longitude: 29.631983

commentaires 5

  • Uwera Lyse

    Uwera Lyse


    It's a beautiful place to visit

  • Wolfgang Mboya

    Wolfgang Mboya


    The hotel is good,from Kigali,musanze to gisenyi I real enjyed

  • Kondwani KALINO

    Kondwani KALINO


    They have nice breakfast

  • en

    Tim Rupel


    Like the stars indicate : It's okay, clean and adequate. Best looking scrambled-eggs I have ever seen... Most hotels are overpriced in Ruhengeri / Musanze so price has nothing to do with the ranking

  • en

    Calvin Johnson


    Good value for money food at the restaurant, clean rooms and very friendly staff

Lodging la plus proche

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