Kinigi Guest House de Ruhengeri

RwandaKinigi Guest House


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Kinigi, Musanze, Northern Province, Ruhengeri, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 782 995 771
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.4327082, Longitude: 29.5983106

commentaires 5

  • Tom MacGregor

    Tom MacGregor


    Rooms are basic. But food, views and log fire excellent.

  • Timothy Brubaker

    Timothy Brubaker


    Not like it used to be: bed bugs, questionable food, very slow service

  • Geert Jan Bex

    Geert Jan Bex


    Good location to visit the Parc des Volcans. Rooms are okay with decent prices bathrooms. Good food, although some patience is required. Very friendly staff.

  • Eugène Thiwa

    Eugène Thiwa


    Nice place and price Restaurant fine for vegetarians you can compose your menu Close to Park Headquarter (2 min by car) Very professionbal staff You can hire a car for Bisoke Hike for a good price

  • P K

    P K


    Impressive customer care, the place is quiet and very close to RDB National Park Site, prices are quite fair, the food is variety is limited but if you require a special order better to press the order in advance.

Lodging la plus proche

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