Juru Park de Kigali

RwandaJuru Park



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Kigali, Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 787 830 987
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9964928, Longitude: 30.0706553

commentaires 5

  • Kristen Potter

    Kristen Potter


    Beautiful gardens

  • Nehemie Yesashimwe

    Nehemie Yesashimwe


    Cool air, bird songs, green trees and beautiful flowers make Juru Park a heaven on earth. I love reading there

  • Thomas Brubaker

    Thomas Brubaker


    Good food, big area to play in

  • Moses Ngoy

    Moses Ngoy


    Nice place to relax

  • Stephanie Braconnier

    Stephanie Braconnier


    The "park" is really a manicured garden setting that's catered towards wedding photos. A small fenced area contains a restaurant/cafe, play area and open lawns. Don't me wrong, the area is very pretty and has some beautiful views, it just wasn't the kind of park we were hoping for (read: multiple km of forest trails where we could let our dog off leash for a run without fearing it would encounter hoards of children, goats, chickens or terrified Rwandans).

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