Martin Aviator Motel de Kigali

RwandaMartin Aviator Motel


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Kanombe, Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 525 304
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9614032, Longitude: 30.1342123

commentaires 4

  • Ladislas NIYIRAGIRA

    Ladislas NIYIRAGIRA


    Very good hotel in Kigali

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    Colin Erickson


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    Nathi Sithole


    Enjoyed my stay,very quiet and clean,their staff members are very professional

  • Marine G.

    Marine G.


    Martin Aviator Hotel is the perfect hotel if you are in transit, arrive late or leave early from the airport ! It is clean, comfortable, calm, could not be closer to the airport (5min walking, litterally 100meters) and most of all has a very friendly staff. They came and pick me up at 1am with a car at the airport, and offered to arrange breakfast for me even though I was leaving very early. I had tried many hotels in Kigali before... but now I know where I'll stay when I transit through Kigali!

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