AEE de Kigali



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Nyakabanda, Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250
site web:
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Latitude: -1.9690478, Longitude: 30.1201345

commentaires 5

  • Patricky Reagan

    Patricky Reagan


    The building is nice though no wheelchair entrance, and the location of offices isn't good.

  • Hosiana Nsengimana

    Hosiana Nsengimana


    The safest and the most affordable accomodation in Kigali!

  • Eunice Tossy

    Eunice Tossy


    Has a great guest room with a Wi-Fi.. The services are good and the helpers there are so helpful.. I loved to stay here

  • Allan GATETE

    Allan GATETE


    In my opinion, the place is too close to the airport. the noise of planes taking off and landing is just un-easing. The prices are quite reasonable. There is free Internet too.

  • Cultivate International

    Cultivate International


    It's a very simple guesthouse, no luxuries. The staff are very nice. Rooms are simple, bed, mosquito net, towel, shower sandals. The room with its own bathroom does not have hot water, and almost always the faucets did not work. So all bathing had to be done with buckets. Breakfast is not included and is very simple - omelet, bread, and tea. We paid 2000 for breakfast, 8500 for rooms with the shared bathroom, and 20000 for the room with its own bathroom.

Lodging la plus proche

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