Bourbon Coffee de Kigali

RwandaBourbon Coffee



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
KN 4 Avenue, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 789 777 772
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9453756, Longitude: 30.0613885

commentaires 5

  • en

    John Boy


    A good place to eat and drink. Popular with expats. Can be a bit on the pricy side There are other local tea and shops which offer better value.

  • Henna Mahmood

    Henna Mahmood


    Bourbon offers very good African tea and has a nice vibe, great for relaxing conversation or to work and read.

  • Benedicte Ndayishimiye

    Benedicte Ndayishimiye


    Perfect coffee and Wi-Fi

  • Mervat Saber

    Mervat Saber


    Nice place to spend sometime... perfect coffee... good African tea

  • Scott Wheeler

    Scott Wheeler


    Great place. Good food and coffee. Nice atmosphere

Bar la plus proche

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