Ciné Elmay i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaCiné Elmay


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Gitega, Kigali, Ruanda
kontakter telefon: +250
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Latitude: -1.9648113, Longitude: 30.0591694

kommentar 5

  • Alenda Pascal

    Alenda Pascal


    C'est une salle de cinéma très ancienne dans la ville de kigali c'est tout ce que je peux expliquer concernant ce lieu

  • Malik J. Pilote

    Malik J. Pilote


    Cine Elmay now show only live and good football game when available, no more cinema in this hall

  • en

    Kamanzi Rodrigue


    A very good place to watch soccer on TV

  • Ntare Rwabugiri

    Ntare Rwabugiri


    Ciné Elmay, or Mayaka, is one of the contemporary movie theaters in Kigali. The place is affordable and in the middle of Biryogo — a Muslim neighborhood widely known for halal food, tea, and chapatti for 24/4.

  • David Anjichi

    David Anjichi


    Shut down and no longer shows films. If you come looking to watch a movie you'll be disappointed. However I saw adjacent a place that shows football games live. There's a carwash nearby so maybe that could sort you out if you want a carwash around there.

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