Century Cinemas i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaCentury Cinemas


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KN 2 Street, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 789 133 333
internet side: www.centurycinemas.rw
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Latitude: -1.9435903, Longitude: 30.0594252

kommentar 5

  • Anand Singh

    Anand Singh


    The only place in kigali offering latest releases...they should certainly stop free seating and start all seated as per seat numbers on tickets...I booked black panther tickets a day before to have seats at the back but ended watching it from the front row..otherwise it's a cool place to have a movie experience..

  • Keziah Njoroge

    Keziah Njoroge


    Main movie place in Kigali 🇷🇼.... Very clean, I had a great 3D experience better than in Nairobi, washrooms were very clean..... And it's just near the main downtown bus stop. In Kigali tower, 3rd floor, building that has Nakumatt. Totally recommend it to anyone visiting Kigali.

  • GATETE ALLAN Munyakazi

    GATETE ALLAN Munyakazi


    I always find this place amazing. They only screen movies from 3pm to midnight, but there selection is great. The place is absolutely cool for any occasion (date, fam time, friends, etc). One of mg favorite moments there was the premier of the Black Panther. (Needless to say, am i love movies) 😉)

  • Nehemie Yesashimwe

    Nehemie Yesashimwe


    This is the leading cinema house in Kigali. Their cinema room is well equipped with great screen, sound, seats, and cooling systems. 3D glasses are also available. You'll love anything you watch there.

  • Dotun Adewunmi

    Dotun Adewunmi


    So far so good. Good movies, clean environment, friendly service, spacious seating & great entertainment. Keep it up.

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