Zenora Wellness Center de Kigali

RwandaZenora Wellness Center



🕗 horaire

92, KG 28 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 781 074 331
site web: www.zenorafrica.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.961282, Longitude: 30.085853

commentaires 5

  • en

    Simo Henrik


    Very professional and well equipped place. I did not notice much difference between the DeTi and Sw massages. I would have preferred more pressure and less friction, and more fingertip and elbow pressure. Also would be a good idea to skip face and stomach altogether and put more work to shoulders. But still it was good for the price. But personally I am looking for Neighborhood is just 500FRW moto away from UTC and very safe to walk at night. Goid restaurants nearby too, so you can fit one to your trip. They do speak very good English.

  • en

    Anael Narcissot


    Awesome place!!

  • Lynn Kehler

    Lynn Kehler


    Manicure and pedicure was very well done. They are very thorough.

  • Mio



    Relaxing and pleasant place. Very humble and elegant owner, well trained staff. Even security guard old man wipe and clean my bicycle after heavy rain! What a customer care!!

  • en

    Elise Washburn


    I'm glad I tried this place! I was pleasantly surprised to find that the staff were professional and well-trained. The relaxing ambiance took the already excellent massage a notch higher and I really appreciated that they had high quality products. Overall I'd say it's the best option in Kigali.

Salon de beauté la plus proche

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