The Nest Guesthouse de Kigali

RwandaThe Nest Guesthouse



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23 KG676, Kigali, Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 784 131 375
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.953559, Longitude: 30.082215

commentaires 5

  • Tracy Brooks

    Tracy Brooks


    Terrific location, great hosts, everything you need. Room was hot, a fan would have been great

  • en

    gwyn c


    Very nice and friendly, great location, but our room was very small

  • Suzanne Tarver

    Suzanne Tarver


    Best Guesthouse in Kigali

  • Diane Roseman

    Diane Roseman


    We stayed here for two nights. Very comfortable and friendly hosts.

  • Vincent Uwitonze

    Vincent Uwitonze


    Home Sweet Home!!!!! Beautiful en-suite bedrooms. Welcoming environment created by the Live-In Manager, all decorated with a tickle of Rwandan flair and Rwandan art. Terrace perfect for afternoon sun in Kigali’s best neighbourhood,Kimihurura. Airport pickup available. Unlimited fibre internet, drinking water, clothes washing, and a delicious breakfast option. A Welcome Leaflet greets you on arrival with our top tips! It is safe, friendly and beautiful with amazing views and a fantastic selection of restaurants and bars like Kimy Gourmand ( 1 min walk), Republika Lounge (2 min walk), Epicurien (2 min walk), Sundowner (5 min walk), Papyrus (1 min walk, it also has a well equipped gym), Shokola cafe (15 min walk), Lalibela (12 min walk), and much more. Close to business centres. If you are feeling energetic you can work-out within a 2 minute walk or play tennis or golf within a 10 minute car or moto trip. If you are looking for a very friendly place, here it is. The Nest Guesthouse is good.

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