Splendid Hotel de Gitarama

RwandaSplendid Hotel


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Giperefe, Gitarama, Muhanga, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 301 894
site web: www.splendidhotelrwanda.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -2.0786722, Longitude: 29.7557123

commentaires 5

  • patrick muhire

    patrick muhire


    It is one of the few nice hotels in Muhanga

  • Eva Liliane Ujeneza

    Eva Liliane Ujeneza


    Went there for a brunch with my kids. My cafe latte was decent. The food though was disappointing. The pizza base was covered in a sea of tomato paste, the toppings (chicken, green peper and tomatoes) we each put separately on 2 or 3 slices of the pizza .... the mushroom topping I ordered was no where to be found. Still the worse is that the decided to mop the floor of the restaurent when we were still eating and the cleaning lady even had the ghts to come mop under OUR table ! When I complaikned I was told they want the Lunch clients to find the place slotless ... shich left me wandering if we were not paying clients ? Go figure ... My advise, despite their assurance that the can make everythig on the menus, stick to local food: (grilled goat meat) brochettes and grilled fish or chicken

  • Tera Blackham

    Tera Blackham


    Very clean hotel. Great bathrooms. Friendly staff. Yummy food in the restaurant. We would definitely stay there again.

  • Didyne Hirwa

    Didyne Hirwa


    Good place. Delicious food but expensive. Drinks are affordable. Customer care is average. Internet wireless doesn't seem to work.




    The service is perfect. We booked some room while we were in Karongi and made some change in our reservation. The guy on reception was kind to help.

Lodging la plus proche

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