SonRise School de Ruhengeri

RwandaSonRise School


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4 A, Ruhengeri, Musanze, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250
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Latitude: -1.4913106, Longitude: 29.6523651

commentaires 1

  • Ndikubwayo Jean Christian

    Ndikubwayo Jean Christian


    The Sonrise School Story The Sonrise Schools - Musanze Rwanda THE MISSION A ministry of the Mustard Seed Project founded in September of 1998, the purpose of the Sonrise Ministry is to provide shelter, food, clothing, education through the Love of God, to the orphaned and severely disadvantaged children in the northwest region of Rwanda, East Central Africa. Our educational mission at Sonrise is to set the standard for academic excellence and servant leadership, while at the same time, demonstrating that with love and education, even the country’s poorest of the poor children are redeemable and can be developed into future leaders of Rwanda. Sonrise has become “A Light on a Hill” and a demonstration to all of Rwanda as to what is possible. Sonrise is unique in that it purposely enrolls a combination of fifty percent “fee paying” students who come from stable homes and fifty percent orphan students who must depend on the generosity of our “sponsors” to pay their school fees. This type of student grouping also removes the fear that the school may be categorized an “orphanage”. With funding being raised through and administered by the Mustard Seed Project, a 501C 3 not for profit corporation with a long history of excellent financial administration, Sonrise Primary School opened its doors in September of 2001, followed by the opening of Sonrise High School in January of 2004. Under the expert leadership of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Laurent Mbanda, Bishop of Shyira Diocese, today the schools are considered to be among the “better schools” by most Rwandans.

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