Rwanda Clothing Store de Kigali

RwandaRwanda Clothing Store



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KN 2 Avenue, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 786 134 128
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.953215, Longitude: 30.057514

commentaires 5

  • Nicholas Babaian

    Nicholas Babaian


    The team make really beautiful items at good prices (for bespoke clothing) and very quickly. Very happy!

  • Nat Nat

    Nat Nat


    Very good tailors and design. Price are a bit high, but quality is very good.

  • Ivan Tare

    Ivan Tare


    The Rwanda Clothing Store is just superb, besides beautiful made in Rwanda clothes, awesome jewelries, amazing lights ,pleasant music and other beautiful pieces found at their store i believe what everyone enjoys the most is the warm welcome from their team(you'll definitely want to go to their store again). anyway why believe me? get to their store (*wink)!!!

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    Stephan Sondern


    Really nice authentic Rwandan fashion. The team is amazing and it is a real joy to shop there!

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    Roger Moore


    This is an incredible find for clothes off the rack which they tailor (takes 1-2 days) or you can have them custom made. Ranges from ones with a subtle flair (piping with Rwanda fabric) or more bright colors. very friendly and I have both clothes in the past which are incredibly durable.. Will cost more than if you go to a market, but worth it for a splurge

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