Pili Pili de Kigali

RwandaPili Pili



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KG 303 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 585 800
site web: www.pilipili.rw
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9312428, Longitude: 30.1102957

commentaires 5

  • Nehemie Yesashimwe

    Nehemie Yesashimwe


    Great views of Kibagabaga with cheap swimming plans, Pili Pili attracts lots of tourists in Kigali. I enjoyed their wood-made sitting area and great Rwandan traditional designs. It's a totally green place. They have nearly 70% discounts on food and drinks every Friday from 5 to 7 pm. Don't miss

  • Gervais Harerimana

    Gervais Harerimana


    I enjoyed the location and the beautiful view I got from the sight. The place looks elegant and while your there you enjoy your space. The meals are also delicious. I was able to taste their pizza(kilakintu pizza), cheese Burger, steak. They were all delicious. The portions are super small though. I love the elegance of the place above it all.

  • Allen Ingabire

    Allen Ingabire


    With an amazing view of Kigali at night, the lighting from the opposite side is so adorable. Pili is a nice place to go during weekends and sometimes after work. Food is really nice and they offer special discount on Pizza from Monday to Friday (amazing). Literally, this place is not expensive and you can get most of the things you may want in a bistro.

  • Erin OBrien

    Erin OBrien


    We really enjoy Pili Pili. There's great views a cool vibe and really reasonably priced pizza during happy hour, m-f 12-3 and 5-7. It's 3000 for a pie. They also have happy hour during the week nights after 7 pm with certain specials. Monday is a kg of beef fillet... Yes fillet for 10,000. However, the steak was well done even though we asked for medium rare... Really clearly making sure they understood... But the kitchen apparently didn't. English isn't very strong in this restaurant, I think 4 times the wrong thing has been brought to us, but I've never had to pay for it so no worries. Service is good, but not quick. The pool and the ambiance is great. I think you can usually swim for free if you eat there. They often have live music at night, and even more often big sports games. Overall I'm a big fan.

  • Charles Nii Ofei Hansen-Quao

    Charles Nii Ofei Hansen-Quao


    As the name suggests, the have some really pepper-hot sauces. Take if from me, I come from Ghana in West Africa and all our meals are full of pepper. My only visit there was in a very large (over 100) group so we had a buffet. The options served were very rich, particularly the lasagne. Excellent variety of salads and grilled meats - lamb, steak and pork. I can’t speak for the a la cart menu as I have experienced that yet. Ambience is incredible. Situated at top of one of Kigali’s many hills, you get a detoxing, almost 360 view of of the capital. View is best enjoyed at night where you also get to see the iconic Kigali Convention Center lit up in all its glory and color. There is an upper deck and a lower deck. The former has the view and latter, a swimming pool. Both have a bar with a large model of an old-school plane hanging over it. Excellent hangout as a romantic dinner or for very large groups.

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