Pharmacie Conseil de Kigali

RwandaPharmacie Conseil



🕗 horaire

KG 521 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 781 928 457
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9366119, Longitude: 30.0993425

commentaires 5

  • Nkingi Ivan

    Nkingi Ivan


    Some drugs are missing

  • Malik J. Pilote

    Malik J. Pilote


    One of the best Pharmacy in Kigali with more than 1 branch, the problem reported by many people is that they are expensive somehow, but better look yourself and taking car driving to downtown for difference of like 1000 frw, petrol will cost you more than to buy here, parking available and staff are friendly with advise if neccessary




    This is one of the most and big pharmacies in Kigali. This is the branch of pharmacie conseil. It is located in Gasabo District, in a quiet area Staff are dedicated and making all their best to provide with customers what they need. But sometimes there is shortage of essential medicines. They are partner with main insurance companies here in Rwanda. Looking for any generic or speciality medicine, pharmacie conseil is one of your choices.

  • Musa Sa'idu

    Musa Sa'idu


    Are you in Kigali and wondering where to get best quality Medications, hurry up to Pharmacie conseil which has 3 branches in town and in kacyiru

  • 살자잘



Pharmacie la plus proche

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