petit seminaire saint vincent de paul w Kigali

Rwandypetit seminaire saint vincent de paul


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

Kigali, Rwanda
kontakt telefon: +250
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -1.9507262, Longitude: 30.1718313

komentarze 3

  • Audace Nakeshimana

    Audace Nakeshimana


    I went to Petit Seminaire Ndera for all the six years of my secondary school. What makes this school more special and different is the way they do not just teach you how to pass tests and exams, but they provide you with an education that helps you grow both spiritually, intellectually and physically. Another most important aspect of this school is the way they let you explore your abilities and talents, and they help them to grow. When I went to this school, I never knew that I could sing. However, with their music classes, they helped me to discover my music talents. By the time I graduated, I had composed many different songs, won different music competitions, and I knew how to play guitar and some of piano, which are rare skills to get from other schools. In addition, the sense of community that is present among the students makes this school one of the best places every human being would wish to be. At this school, all the seminarians are treated equal, interact well with each other and are all given equal opportunities which allow them to express themselves in the best ways possible. Long story short, I am so proud that I went to this school, and I never think there is any better school that would be a great fit for me for my secondary education. Ad Lucem et Veritatem!

  • Twizeyimana Oreste Raphael

    Twizeyimana Oreste Raphael


    Best school trust from personal experience

  • en



    it is agood school

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