Park Inn by Radisson, Kigali i Kigali

RwandaPark Inn by Radisson, Kigali



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KN 41 Street, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Rwanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 132 500
internet side:
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Latitude: -1.9516242, Longitude: 30.07072

kommentar 5

  • Merrick Schaefer

    Merrick Schaefer


    I received some of the best customer service here that I have seen anywhere in the world. The had lost my booking and the hotel was full, they found one a 3 minute walk away, negotiated a cheap price, and brought me and my bags over and then inspected the room. Due to how well they corrected a mistake they had made they gained a life long customer. Stay at the park inn if you are in Kigali!

  • Elmer Lighid

    Elmer Lighid


    Friendly staff. Food is average but their carrot juice served at breakfast is excellent! The avocado salad is yummy.. The pool is situated in the first floor and is a nice area to just relax. Beside the pool is the gym with a good set of work out equipment. In terms of location, the hotel is in a quite neighbor hood and a few minute walk to restaurants. I would definitely come back.

  • Alexander Pandian

    Alexander Pandian


    The staying so comfortable, always smiling and welcoming staff. Neat and clean point to be noted. Gym, pool and night club facilities at the hotel with best menus (quite expensive) but worth spending..

  • Raj Mahan

    Raj Mahan


    Great food. Polite staff. The GM Mr Rakesh is very helpful and accommodating. Rooms are spacious and the bar us well stocked. Good for short and long business trips.. has a gym and pool so fitness services provided.

  • Brian D

    Brian D


    This is a great hotel in a good location. It is a quick run up the hill (in a car) to Embassy Row or out towards the convention center. It is clean, has a good restaurant, and enough food for anyone with food allergies who needs to know what they are eating. AND, AIR CONDITIONING! Quite a few hotels showing pictures of room with A/C in Kigali that do not actually have A/C. If you don't sleep well hot, this is worth the visit.

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