Nyabugogo Taxi Park de Kigali

RwandaNyabugogo Taxi Park



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Boulevard de Nyabugoro, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9408422, Longitude: 30.0444955

commentaires 5

  • Martin Weber

    Martin Weber


    Very crowded and dense. Not really structured. Feels not safe compared to the remaining city. Update: I think I should add that Nyabugogo is still very safe compared to other EAC countries. In Nairobi for example there are only few places, where I even feel as safe as at Nyabugogo. So see my review in the context of Rwanda as a very safe country. Updated from 2 to 3 stars.

  • Benedicte Ndayishimiye

    Benedicte Ndayishimiye


    A main bus parking station in rwanda, I can say this is the entrance of the capital of rwanda, kigali. The are bus heading in all part of country. They are regular buses that go in the different district of country, buses in kigali circulation that go in different bus station of kigali and the big couch that go outside of country in eastern African countries such as trinity that go in Uganda and tanzania, jaguar that go in Kampala, Uganda. Around they are many shops that has different product and other services such as bank agent, currency changes. Inside bus station they are atm machine, radio station and man public toilet. Every car can enter in bus station.

  • Karl Brumback

    Karl Brumback


    Don't blink! Kigali is changing incredibly quickly. So different than Nairobi: no mutates, no potholes, sidewalks, no crime, no trash and all the boda

  • Ali Vazir

    Ali Vazir


    Needs lots of improvement as usherers start pulling and pushing once find passengers. No proper toilets, the exit and entrance should be clear for quick movement. No info counters for thousands of travelers. Buses for within Rwanda, Kampala and Nairobi are found here.

  • BANZUBAZE jean claude

    BANZUBAZE jean claude



Station de bus la plus proche

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