New Life Guest House en Kigali

RuandaNew Life Guest House



🕗 horarios

KK 27 Avenue, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
contactos teléfono: +250 785 561 870
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: -1.9951602, Longitude: 30.1027536

comentarios 5

  • Smile Channel

    Smile Channel


    Super cool




    Good restaurant and bar

  • Sarah Hurley

    Sarah Hurley


    Comfortable respite after busy days. Restful, beautiful home.

  • Dennis Phelan

    Dennis Phelan


    Africa New Life is a Christian organization dedicated to helping African people improve their lives.

  • Dave Munson

    Dave Munson


    CLEAN, Comfortable beds, safe and tasty western type foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Coffee out in the morning. Great views. Missions house for Africa New Life Ministries and therefore the integrity is high. We've stayed here at this house for 4 years and it is wonderful everytime we come. Our stuff is safe and secure, even if we leave it out. Absolutely love his place and the staff. Most rooms have their own bathrooms. Unmarried couples must sleep in separate bedrooms.

Alojamiento más cercano

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