Muhabura i Western Region



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Muhabura, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +250
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Latitude: -1.382255, Longitude: 29.6765614

kommentar 5

  • harera said

    harera said


    My home area

  • St. Galler

    St. Galler


    Not only nice from far but also when you reach the top with the small crater lake

  • en

    aloysius sengo


    Waoooh yu may think you ve seen it all but not until you have reached this scene

  • en



    It is the best because Uganda 🇺🇬 is the best

  • Martin Weber

    Martin Weber


    Rainforest, grasslands and naked rocks at the top. Sometimes wet, sometimes dry. Sometimes you can see only few meters, sometimes for dozens of kilometers, changing within minutes. For me, who lived in Rwanda on 1700 meters for 3 months but almost no sport, though average fitness, it was very tough. In the rainforest, you can sweat a lot. Then within a few meters, the forest ends and you are blown away by cold wind. The last 300 meters were specially tough for me, due to low air pressure. Highest mountain I climbed was 2800m or so, years ago. So if you are averagely fit and have a strong will, you can make it. I highly recommend good hiking shoes because of the descent. Try to convince the guide of using motos from Cyanika. It is cheaper then the car, that they want you to hire. Payed 80$ for the permit as a foreign resident, for usual foreigners it should be 100$. You need to bring your passport. Payment with visa and Mastercard possible. tl;dr Not many animals, but the most rewarding view possible.

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