Lemigo Hotel de Kigali

RwandaLemigo Hotel


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🕗 horaire

KG 624 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 784 040 924
site web: www.lemigohotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9555943, Longitude: 30.0978291

commentaires 5

  • en

    Fridah Gacheri


    Very homely, quite and relaxing.. Good food too!

  • en

    Rocky Hoare


    A very good hotel. The staff are great. Good for kids. The food is good although slow in delivery

  • Nehemie Yesashimwe

    Nehemie Yesashimwe


    One of the top hotels in the city. Lemigo provides good conference experiences. I love how their manager runs the supervision

  • Geekives



    i give the place four stars, not because i didn't find the place perfect but i believe it is destined for five stars. i loved the place very much!

  • martin chikumbu

    martin chikumbu


    Loved it to the bits. Can't remember the name of the lady who checked me in, (slim and dark in complexion) full-body energy and life. Enjoyed my experience there the entire staff was awesome. The barman 👌, (light in complexion) was very good. Just tell him what you like tasting and give him the floor, he'll make you happy.

Lodging la plus proche

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