Lebanon Hotel Kigali de Kigali

RwandaLebanon Hotel Kigali


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🕗 horaire

KG 233 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 785 008 632
site web: www.lebanonhotelkigali.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9539077, Longitude: 30.1112958

commentaires 2

  • Melissa Anne

    Melissa Anne


    This place was a breath of fresh air for me after spending several days in a lodge in Uganda that had no electricity or Wifi. I had a flight leaving Kigali at 3am, so I had originally planned on just sitting at the airport from dinnertime on when my guide could drop me off. After seeing how small Kigali airport was upon my arrival flight, I decided that it was not where I wanted to spend 6-9 hours awaiting my departure flight as well. I found Lebanon hotel at the last minute, and they offered me an immediate checkin for 6 or 7 hours so that I could shower, nap, charge electronics, and send emails. I even got room service for some much needed spaghetti to refuel. :-) The staff was SUPER nice and accommodating to me, especially since i literally just walked into the lobby without reservations. They even offered to drop me off at the airport at midnight for free so that my guide wouldn't have to come back and get me. So nice! And super close to the airport. I would not hesitate to stay here again if in the area.

  • Lebanon Hotel

    Lebanon Hotel


    Amazed place helpful staff

Lodging la plus proche

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