Lake Bunyonyi de Western Region

RwandaLake Bunyonyi


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Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda
contact téléphone: +250
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.2952537, Longitude: 29.9133356

commentaires 5

  • Balasubramanian T V

    Balasubramanian T V


    Wonderful lake in Kabale. You will enjoy the boat rides. During sun rise and sunset times the boat ride would be amazing. During the boat rides you will cover few islands in the lake. During the trip you also see many birds and a historical small island which they used as a punishment area for girls.

  • en

    robert wood


    A very special beautiful place, the lake has many islands and is surrounded by steep hills and forest. It's name translates as the Lake of Tiny Birds and birders will be delighted at what they see. The water is cool and unlike most lakes and rivers in Africa is good for swimming as there are no crocs, hippos or bilhariza.

  • samarth lukka

    samarth lukka


    I have been their for several times and the silence in this place is very good and the wind is mind blowing

  • mungizi noah

    mungizi noah


    Travel with lake bunyonyi community tour for great and uknike experience.




    Most beautiful lake in Uganda, I highly recommend a visit here

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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