La Preferance Bar de Kinazi

RwandaLa Preferance Bar


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Kinazi, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250
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Latitude: -2.1547307, Longitude: 30.1005349

commentaires 2

  • MIZERO azim Adiano

    MIZERO azim Adiano


  • Noel Kuriakos

    Noel Kuriakos


    Nice local bar that I have been frequenting for the last 6 months. Saw it evolve from a living room with a bar to a larger space with space to sit and eat. Celestain the owner, is a jovial fellow, always welcoming me. They have a good selection of beers and he just (June 1st 2017) added new menu items from the grill, such as chicken, rabbit, goat, along with fries (chips). I always get my goat and my cold Turbo beer!! On clear nights you can sit in the grassy patio section and just awe at the beautiful display of stars and galactic dust (it is even better when there are power outages and everything is dark!!!!).

Bar la plus proche

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