La Galette de Kigali

RwandaLa Galette



🕗 horaire

KN 76 Street, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 252 575 434
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.945834, Longitude: 30.0558069

commentaires 5

  • rwanda travel

    rwanda travel


    Thanks la galette for good bread

  • Lynn Kehler

    Lynn Kehler


    Service is very good, very friendly, food is very good and fresh.

  • griet canoot

    griet canoot


    Heel gezellig, maar drukke plek om te zitten. Combinatie van (duur) supermarktje, met een tof (betaalbaar) restaurant!

  • Daniel Staemmler

    Daniel Staemmler


    Very nice place for lunch or dinner. There is also a supermarket here with imported goods from the western world. Not to forget the bakery and birthday cakes to order. I had half a roster chicken with fries and really liked it. It's lovely to sit in the courtyard outside and relax.

  • 王晓悦




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