Kimy Gourmand Crêperie de Kigali

RwandaKimy Gourmand Crêperie



🕗 horaire

KG 676 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 786 792 388
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9528908, Longitude: 30.0823551

commentaires 5

  • Alain Kayihura

    Alain Kayihura


    If you are looking for a chilled place with the best crepes in town, good vibe and ambiance i really do recommend Kimi Gourmand.

  • Kelly Deep

    Kelly Deep


    Suprised that was told the ice cream is homemade, so take the suggestion to have a Speculoos chocolat which is not bad. There are two crepes for choosing, brown and white. After tried salted crepes, thinking that the sweet one should be more classic and put into next visit choice.

  • fr

    jabo bob


    Bonne crêpe

  • Elfreda Tetteh

    Elfreda Tetteh


    I went there for brunch with a friend. The food was so bad we actually left most of it uneaten. Most of it was burned or dry. The flavour that sticks out the most was the burned butter. It's difficult to burn butter, but somehow they made it happen. Worse still, the cook seemed to have no idea what the food was originally supposed to taste like.

  • en

    Clarisse Nzungize Ilibagiza


    Best crepe ever, if you like salty or sweet, you will be highly pleased, service is great....

Magasin la plus proche

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