Kigali View Hotel de Kigali

RwandaKigali View Hotel


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KN 102 Street, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 786 006 274
site web:
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Latitude: -1.964622, Longitude: 30.0592039

commentaires 5

  • Thomas Verbruggen

    Thomas Verbruggen


    Very African, but decent African. There is a very swimable swimming pool, a great view and food and beverages at reasonable prices. The full package is ok but, African very African, there is no eye for detail unfortunately and if you book a room at 70usd per night you might expect a little better.

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    Olivia Gakima


    Located in a busy neighborhood in Kigali, the hotel in Nyamirambo offers a very good service. They have clean rooms and bathrooms, the restaurant on-site offers excellent food. The hotel has a swimming pool, accessible to residents and others too. The gardens are spacious. The restaurant is open 24/7, just in case you wanna eat something at late hours.




    Enjoyed the view of Kimisagara and Nyamirambo when inside the Kigali view hotel. The hotel is located in a densily populated area with neighbouring boutiques, shops, restaurants and may other selling and points of different goods/merchandises. If you want the comfort of the hotel but want inexpensive goods, this is the right hotel for you

  • Sooka Andrew Geoffrey

    Sooka Andrew Geoffrey


    Staff very courteous. Good Breakfast. Serene environment.

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    Abdulhanif Sheikh


    Beautiful view of the city and the rooms are spacious and clean. The bathrooms are clean and well equipped. Staff are friendly. The hotel has WiFi, a dinning area and a pool. The hotel is not children safe, so look after your kids.

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