J. Lynn's Kicukiro i Kigali

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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RwandaJ. Lynn's Kicukiro



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KK 25 Avenue, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Ruanda
kontakter telefon: +250 788 408 308
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Latitude: -1.9862794, Longitude: 30.1016874

kommentar 5

  • Patrick Iradukunda

    Patrick Iradukunda


    Free Wi-Fi and calm!

  • Erin OBrien

    Erin OBrien


    The bagels are really great! I went for some crazy donut craving I had, and it didn't quite hit the spot for me, my husband was a huge fan though. My favorite was there cinibuns, Delicious! It's a bit hard to find. But some kind men stopped my Moto taxi and guessed it was going to j Lynn's and redirected us. Customer service was great... She was so friendly and helpful, I did however have to wait 10 mins before she came and helped me. Overall a real win. Go get yourself some bagels!

  • en

    Jennie Taylor


    Good food and nice place for families. Love the farmers market on Saturday mornings. But wish coffee was better and open a bit later.

  • Noel Kuriakos

    Noel Kuriakos


    Their cookies and smoothies are awesome. The organic peanut butter is super tasty and not sweet (you can add it various dishes). Nice comfy seating as well. I just wish there was a big ass sign with their name on it on the gate or on the wall!!

  • Matthew Steed

    Matthew Steed


    Bagels, donuts, quesadillas, a variety of drinks. My favorite is an everything bagel with egg cheese ham and veggies. Playground for kids. Place is very popular with expats on Saturdays. The label on the main road still says Africa bagel coop, which is the old name.

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