ITIG - Don Bosco de Goma

RwandaITIG - Don Bosco


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Goma, Demokratische Republik Kongo
contact téléphone: +250
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.6732567, Longitude: 29.2415071

commentaires 5

  • Mumbere Olivier

    Mumbere Olivier


    Il ya des bons formations

  • jonathan Rachid

    jonathan Rachid


    The best High School in the country for a smart and technical student. The rate of succeeding can be as low as 20%(To get to the 6th year or level) but the student quality is very high and can easily compete with engineering students in Mechanic,Electricity,Electronic fields... The ability of the high school to implement creative minds and hard work make it one of the best schools in the world. That was the proudest moment of my overall school years. Thanks ITIG

  • en

    Altaf ksp


  • muhindo alain

    muhindo alain


  • Pierrot Pendani

    Pierrot Pendani


École la plus proche

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