Hotel Credo de Butare

RwandaHotel Credo


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RN1, Butare, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 302 216
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Latitude: -2.6097129, Longitude: 29.7370842

commentaires 5

  • Jenna Richardson

    Jenna Richardson


    No hot water, or a full shower/bath in my room. It's just a thing to sit in and wash yourself with a wand. The room flat out says not to leave any belongings in it because it's not safe. Wifi is very slow and frequently shuts off at random. It's very loud in the building and outside. My room was directly next to the loudspeaker for a mosque so I heard the prayer blasts constantly. The room guide says the restaurant and bar are open from 11:00-23:00, but the front desk said only 19:00-23:00 for evening meals. They were out of everything I tried to order, including juice or wine. There is nothing within walking distance to do if you're bored.

  • Nisingizwe Ange-lo

    Nisingizwe Ange-lo


    Nice pool even though there is no plunging board




    A great view on the main road, easily accessible and a good place to pass your nights and week-ends ! ! ! Great services 24 hours 7 days, a classic bar and pool, Wi-Fi provided for free, nice conference rooms and a great restaurant. It's all about classic bedrooms with everything you might want for your night to stay marvelous throughout your whole stay. Don't forget a nice place to take your friends for a drink or two, enjoying a nice and friendly environment. That was just to mention, but a few.

  • Nsanja Patrick

    Nsanja Patrick


    Credo hotel is good for accommodation when you're going to stay in Butare. Also going to do some work at government University of Butare

  • gilinshuti david

    gilinshuti david


    This hotel is erected on the road  going to University of Rwanda, on the left side. It’s made of rolling buildings with the pool making it  a right place to stay especially in summer. The hotel have all facilities for their guests including parking area.  It a good hotel for people who need calm and make their life more private.

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