Hakuna Matata Lodge de Gisenyi

RwandaHakuna Matata Lodge


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Avenue De La Production, Gisenyi, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +254 733 280000
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.701396, Longitude: 29.257246

commentaires 2

  • en

    A Smith


    A lovely place. Perfect for a peaceful stay but there are also some hiking trails and some hot springs nearby. NIce modern rooms with balconies and terrific views of the beautiful lake and scenery. It has a private rock shoreline from which you can swim if you wish and you can get a lake boat tour right from the dock at the hotel. The restaurant is terrific for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is open air but sits under a large thatched roof and the high end African decor is done beautifully. We were there on a chilly rainy night in April and they lit a fire in the fireplace and closed down the plastic drapes, just enough that we stayed warm and dry. Did I say the food was good? The food was GOOOD! They even have nice tables and chairs, covered by large thatched umbrellas way downhill by the waterfront. Restaurant service is politely offered and the service is great. The one negative was the rather luke warm temperature of the showers. Overall it gets a 4.5 / 5 from me.

  • Ndungutse Fiddy

    Ndungutse Fiddy


    A nice place to be

Lodging la plus proche

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