Fat Mama's Kitchen Vegetarian de Kigali

RwandaFat Mama's Kitchen Vegetarian



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Kigali, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 789 538 932
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9437609, Longitude: 30.0593977

commentaires 5

  • Ariel 250

    Ariel 250


    Cool with fresh air

  • Safari sammy

    Safari sammy


    So far so good

  • pallav dave

    pallav dave


    I have been to kigali in May 18 , i loved to eat a pure indian vegetarian , its just a true veg food . They serve with lots of love. I suggest must try . Thanks for being here for us.

  • en

    Dax Centre


    Fantastic southern Indian food. Vegetarian and realitively inexpensive. Anju is a delightful host and the kitchen does great home delivery service . Best cashew curry for a long time. Vegetable cutlets to die for too.

  • en



    Best Restaurant in Kigali. Great location, delicious food and really affordable prices. What else can you ask for? Highly recommend.

Restaurant la plus proche

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