Eminence Hotel de Kigali

RwandaEminence Hotel


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

KN 2 Avenue, Kigali, Nyarugenge, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 252 503 882
site web: eminencehotel.com-rwanda.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9531924, Longitude: 30.0575209

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jamie M


    Good place. Affordable.

  • dhaval gaud

    dhaval gaud


    Value for Money

  • Noel Kuriakos

    Noel Kuriakos


    Power went out for the entire night. Bathroom sucked. When you shower the water pools on the entire floor, it doesn't drain well. So as soon as to step into the bathroom, you step into water. That was room #207. No wifi even though there was a signal (I don't think there is any internet connection), strange Chinese deliveries to the basement! The bed was great, though.

  • Dr.Kintu Muhammad

    Dr.Kintu Muhammad


    They really have good customer care and a variety of services mainly I liked spa section with good reflexologists and massures for massage i loved how their doctor receives clients thanks Eminence hotel

  • Luis Vinas

    Luis Vinas


    Necesita de mantenimiento.

SPA la plus proche

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