Christian Life Assembly de Kigali

RwandaChristian Life Assembly


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

2, KG 270 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 302 013
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9477721, Longitude: 30.1054063

commentaires 5

  • Andrew Owie

    Andrew Owie


    Wonderful place for people seeking an English speaking church

  • Christine Amira

    Christine Amira


    Amazing worship, amazing people committed to the gospel of Christ. The theme in 2017 was Engaging for Jesus and the theme this year is Growing together in Christ. The church also embraces Christians worshipping together in cell groups very much.

  • Wafula Wanjala

    Wafula Wanjala


    Very good church. Loved the worship and Godly community all around

  • Emmanuel Turatsinze

    Emmanuel Turatsinze


    Near my workplace. I always have sweet lunch there.

  • en

    Sifa Uwera


    A very inspiring, spirit filled professional organisation that is accountable to its members and wider population that speaks, understands & communicates in English. Their biblical aspects & training have helped me to grow spiritually and in my career! Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Église la plus proche

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