Charisma Bookstore de Kigali

RwandaCharisma Bookstore



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KG 7 Avenue, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 783 176 897
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9527749, Longitude: 30.0927016

commentaires 5

  • Hirwa 10

    Hirwa 10


    Good and many variety of books

  • Ange Gusenga

    Ange Gusenga


  • en



    Be a professional business man, be a student, be an entrepreneur, be a Political leader, be a lawyer, Be a psychologist, be a therapist, be a counsellor or a lawyer, you will like the book in here and of course their content. Give your self a try. I have been Motivated by three books got from there a friend of mine gave them to me after buying them at This book Store. this is Charisma

  • Micheline Bwiza Habineza

    Micheline Bwiza Habineza


    Christian bookstore. Good selection of books and gifts.

  • Malik J. Pilote

    Malik J. Pilote


    They have a lot of christian books, and you can order and they give you time to come collecting your ordered book if they dont have in stock

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