Cascade Restaurant de Butare

RwandaCascade Restaurant



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Butare, Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 789 098
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -2.6023496, Longitude: 29.743166

commentaires 3

  • Benedicte Ndayishimiye

    Benedicte Ndayishimiye


    A best restaurant with a perfect price in huye, lunch and dinner. Vegetarian food are available. Also you can find a bar with all type of drinks, the staff help to explain the clients

  • Anselme HAKIZIMANA

    Anselme HAKIZIMANA


  • Alan Catherall

    Alan Catherall


    Lovely place for lunch. Buffet style food, with a plate costing 1200 Rwf. Very helpful staff who tried their best to explain all the dishes! Lots of vegetables, carbs (potatoes, rice, spaghetti) salad and excellent beef stew.

Restaurant la plus proche

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