Car hire Kigali de Kigali

RwandaCar hire Kigali


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KK 334 Street, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 782 308 491
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9705786, Longitude: 30.1044288

commentaires 4

  • Andile Cele

    Andile Cele



  • 4x4 Kigali

    4x4 Kigali


    In Rwanda, most of the Safaris are largely conducted using car rental agencies which you will equally achieve your dreams in this incredible destination. There are cheap options especially when you chose those that do safaris too; they will recommend you a 4x4 car which will suite some of the poor roads especially when you cross the borders to Uganda for cheaper Gorilla trekking.

  • 4x4 Rwanda Cars

    4x4 Rwanda Cars


    Book a Car with Car hire Kigali and save more on your next rental. They have great discounts for long term rentals and if you choose to travel to Uganda, it's hassle free. Rent a 4x4 Rav4 at 50 dollars a day and enjoy the ride

  • Mwebaza Jimmy

    Mwebaza Jimmy


    It has a better service regarding car rentals in Rwanda

Point d'intĂ©rĂȘt la plus proche

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