Adventist Dental Clinic de Kigali

RwandaAdventist Dental Clinic



🕗 horaire

KG 567 Street, Kigali, Gasabo, RW Rwanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 777 720
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.9392476, Longitude: 30.086183

commentaires 5

  • en

    karake chretien


    I was very happy by Dr Michel's work,very clean and professional! Wouldn't recomend any other dental clinic in Kigali.

  • Yeonjoo Yu

    Yeonjoo Yu


    Great service and professional staffs. I was surprised by the high technology they have in the clinic. Also, I feel the price is very affordable. Make sure to call and make an appointment before visiting.

  • James Mayer

    James Mayer


    Very pleased with the quality of work and care.

  • Christoph-Samuel Rottmann

    Christoph-Samuel Rottmann


    Hygienisch einwandfrei, kompetent und freundlich.

  • Hannah Powell-Losada Schell

    Hannah Powell-Losada Schell


    This place is modern, clean and everyone was very professional. I was nervous about going to a new place, but the dentist did an excellent job. Dr. Michel Mbonimana saw me, he filled two cavities and he explained everything as he was doing since he knew I was a little nervous. Dr. Mbonimana is fantastic and I would very much recommend this dentist.

Dentiste la plus proche

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