1000 Hills Distillery de Kigali

Rwanda1000 Hills Distillery



🕗 horaire

KK 30 Avenue, Kigali, Kicukiro, RW Ruanda
contact téléphone: +250 788 316 723
site web: www.1000hills.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -1.999248, Longitude: 30.083702

commentaires 4

  • Noel Kuriakos

    Noel Kuriakos


    The guac with chips was delish!!!! WOW the steak was awesome!!! Best beef I have had in Rwanda. The presentation (they bring the meat raw on a HOT brick, and you let it cook till your desired level of 'done-ness') is a sight to see!!!! The whiskey, straight, was smooth and hit the perfect spot on a chilly night. The ice cream with coffee liqueur (coffee by Question Coffee) was a perfect dessert after the steak meal.

  • Tom MacGregor

    Tom MacGregor


    Very interesting tour, beautiful location and tasty products

  • en

    Rex N


    Great locally produced spirits. Good activity when residing or visiting Kigali to visit the distillery and do a tasting afterward. Very nice accompanying food available as well.

  • Dede Nkusi

    Dede Nkusi


    The only and first distillery in Rwanda.

Point d'intĂ©rĂȘt la plus proche

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